36?, The Ashley Hundred and MOTIV
Where: Palomino Smokehouse and Social Club / DOWNSTAIRS
109 7 Avenue S.W Calgary
18+ with government issued identification
When: Sunday February 19, 2023
Doors: 8:00pm / Music 9:00pm
Admission: $12.00 advance at www.showpass.com
“So what is 36?” I hear you screaming from the depths. Well, these days I am having a hard time defining that myself. It started as just me writing/recording songs on an old desktop computer in my parents basement. Just some anorexic white kid on way too much ADHD medication screaming out his most troubled thoughts into the void. Since those days some incredibly talented folks have joined me in the band. We’ve played all around the world, we’ve recorded a few records, we’ve won awards, we’ve gotten stranded in Montana, we’ve signed to record labels, we’ve played big festivals with some of my favorite bands, we’ve been played on the radio, we’ve done all the band things that my old basement-dwelling self could have dreamed of, and if you listen real closely you can hear one of our songs far far off in the background of the opening scene in season 7 episode 6 of Brooklyn 99.
Did that answer your question? Not really? Well 36? Is a psychedelic art-rock band from Calgary, AB. We also make guitar pedals. Occasionally we will make weird videos about either nothing or something or music. As of today, we also make a website. That’s right! You are currently reading a website telling you it’s a website. You know that feeling you are getting as you read this website’s proclamation of its own existence. THAT FEELING is 36?.
The Ashley Hundred
Calgary, Alberta’s The Ashley Hundred are a psychedelic rock band without boundaries or burdens. Five collaborators from disparate musical upbringing, piling competing sonic ideas onto scampering melodies in a dense forest of harmonic idiosyncrasy.
“there is no visionary [in the band]” according to banjo and steel player Brett Cassidy. Every member contributes to the songwriting and direction of each song. Drummer Michael De Souza brings hip-hop and R&B influence, guitarist Carson Stewart enforces tension into sonic corners with dark jazz chords and clever harmonic pathways, Andrew Franks introduces surreal lyrical turns of phrase, Jordan Moe puts forward an assured rock backdrop with hefty bass guitar, and banjo/steel player Brett Cassidy textures the compositions with country craftsmanship and folk finesse.
The Ashley Hundred began in 2012 as a group of friends experimenting with sound. Soon, acoustic guitars gave way to synthesizers, one EP became two, and in January 2016 at a sold out show at the Palomino in Calgary, AB, they realized how far they had come. Now, the band has released their debut full length album and completed three tours across Canada.
New project featuring members of Bad Bodies, Witch Victim, Cheer and Lion Pride.
Remember if you are experiencing or exhibiting any of the symptoms below you should stay home and undertake the monitoring and testing recommended by Alberta Health Services here: https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-testing-in-alberta.aspx
• Fever
• Cough (new cough or worsening chronic
• Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
(new or worsening)
• Runny nose
• Sore throat
• Stuffy nose
• Painful swallowing
• Headache
• Chills
• Muscle/joint ache
• Feeling unwell/fatigue/severe
• Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/unexplained
loss of appetite
• Loss of sense of smell or taste
• Conjunctivitis
*This event takes place on the territory of the Blackfoot and the people of Treaty 7 Region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Siksika, the Piikuni, the Kainai, the Tsuu T’ina and the Stoney Nakoda First Nations. Calgary is also home to the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region III.